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Spinach Seeds:

-Common cold weather crop (Staff, 2015)

-Thrives in moist, nitrogen rich soils, and grows a deep taproot system (Staff, 2015)

-Can be harvested within six to eight weeks (Staff, 2015)

-Grown in both the hill and terrain regions 

Agriculture in Nepal:

-Land area of 140 800 sq. km (Nepal, 2015)

-28% suitable for agricultural purposes (Nepal, 2015)

-Common crops include: rice, maze, barley, millet, and wheat (Nepal, 2015)

-Three main regions, mountainous, hill, and terai (Nepal, 2015)


Figure 1: Taken from (Clarke, 2015)

Figure 4: Take from(Gourmet, 2011)

Figure 3: Taken from (Info Nepal, 2011)


Figure 2: Taken from (About Nepal, 2012)

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